Love Energy Savings Terms & Conditions

1.     Introduction

  • We provide Customers with Our Services for their Business Utilities. The Quotations We provide depend upon the Products available to Us and the Suppliers We work with, along with whether the Customer meets the relevant Supplier Criteria. We do not provide advice and Customers are required to make their own decision as to which Quotation they wish to pursue, if any. We have a selection of Partners that can assist Customers and Consumers. We can transfer Customers and Consumers (in line with Our Privacy Policy) to the relevant Partner, for them to provide a comparison for their specific product/service.
  • We are not responsible for the performance of Our Partners, Our Suppliers and/or their services. For the terms and conditions of Our Partners’ or Our Suppliers’ services, you should refer to Our Partners or Our Suppliers terms and conditions and ensure that you are happy with them before proceeding.

2.   Key Information About Our Terms

    • The provisions contained in these terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern your use of any of Our Services and Our Websites. It is important you read these Terms carefully, as they set out the full extent of Our obligations and liabilities. The Terms supersede any previous agreements between Us and yourself. These Terms are governed by the laws of England and any disputes will be decided by the English Courts only.
    • Any failure by Us to enforce any of Our rights under these Terms or provided by law is not to be taken as or deemed to be a waiver of enforceability, and We reserve these rights.
    • We may transfer Our rights under these terms to another business without your consent, but we will notify You of the transfer and make sure that Your rights are not adversely affected as a result. These Terms are binding on a Customer’s and Consumer’s successor.
    • If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, this will not impact the validity of remaining provisions, which remain in full force and effect.
    • We may amend these Terms from time to time. We will provide notice of the amendments, by updating the Terms available on Our Websites and/or contacting Customers and Consumers. By using Our Websites and Our Services, you accept Our Terms (including acceptance that any future amendments made are incorporated into the Terms) and Our Privacy Policy. For further information on how We process personal data, including carry out Our marketing, please refer to Our Privacy Policy.
    • If there are any queries or concerns about Our Terms, please get in touch with Us at [email protected] and We will be happy to assist you. If We get things wrong, We encourage you to let us know without delay. This enables Us to work with you to attempt put things right as soon as We can. Our complaint process is available on Our Websites. As soon as you become aware of your reason to raise a complaint, you must contact Us without delay (and in any event, no later than 3 months from when you became aware of a reason to complain).
    • We are a member of the Energy Ombudsman’s independent dispute resolution scheme, and Our registration number is C35LOVE01. For complaints relating to Our energy Services, if we are unable to resolve your complaint within 8 weeks of you raising your concerns, you may be able to use the Energy Ombudsman’s services.

3.   Our Services

    • Our Services are provided to Customers and Consumers as they have expressed an interest in Our Service, and We have agreed to provide Our Services. We may use Our discretion and reserve the right to refuse or terminate Our Services to a Customer or Consumer.
    • Our Services depend upon:
      • The Products available to Us;
      • The Suppliers and Partners We work with; and,
      • Whether the Customer meets the relevant Supplier Criteria.
    • We do not act on a Customer’s behalf other than under the specific authority granted in line with a signed Letter of Authority by the Customer.
    • For Our energy Business Utilities, We work with a panel of Suppliers. For Our other Business Utilities, We work with either one or a small panel of Suppliers. For Our Services, we do not compare the full relevant market.
    • For terms and conditions relation to Our promotions please click here.

4.   Comparison Service

    • We will use reasonable endeavours to negotiate and secure competitive prices for Customers. Quotations are provided by Us in good faith, on the basis the Details given to Us by the Customer are correct, complete, and current. If the Details do not satisfy these requirements, it will impact upon the accuracy and validity of the Quotations and Contract.
    • We and Our Suppliers reserve the right to amend or withdraw any Quotations without notice at any time. The Quotation provided does not constitute an offer. The Customer agreeing to the Contract is the Customer agreeing to an offer. Dependent on the Supplier and the type of Customer, the offer agreed may be non-revocable. Whether the offer is or is not revocable will generally be contained within the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Contract will be held directly between the Customer and the Supplier.
    • The provision of Our Comparison Services can occur via Our Websites or via Our call centres. Where Our Comparison Services occur via Our Call Centre, this will result in a reduced comparison of Product being delivered to the Customer, given the nature and the manner of the comparison. The Comparison Service provided will be restricted to Products based on the Details provided and some potential other options which the Customer may be interested in.

Compare Energy Tariffs

5.   Switching Service

    • If the Customer chooses to proceed after reviewing a Quotation, the Customer will need to complete a Contract (verbally, electronically or physically) which We will facilitate. Our Switching Service aims to make the change to your new Contract as smooth as possible, by using Our reasonable endeavours to get the Contract Live. We are not responsible for any delay by the Supplier or Current Supplier, and We must be allowed reasonable time to carry out Our processes which form part of Our Switching Service.
    • Following on from the completion of the Contract by the Customer, We will carry out the Checks required prior to the Contract being Processed to the Supplier. The Checks completed by Us are based on the Details provided. If the Contract is unable to be Processed as it does not meet the requirements for the Checks, We will look to contact the Customer.
    • Once the Contract has been Processed to the Supplier, the Customer will receive Our Welcome Pack. If Our Welcome Pack contains a Letter of Authority, it is incredibly important the Customer signs this Letter of Authority without delay. The Letter of Authority provides Us with the ability to provide Our Switching Service and, where possible and required, allows us to serve Termination of the Customer’s Current Supplier contract.
    • Even though We carry out Checks prior to a Contract being Processed, Suppliers reserve the right to carry out additional checks (Supplier Checks). This can mean a Contract has been Processed by Us but is not accepted by the Supplier. Suppliers reserve the right to not accept a Customer’s Contract and may use their sole discretion to reject a Customer’s Contract. If this occurs, We will endeavour to contact the Customer as soon as possible.
    • Suppliers might be in a position where a Contract can be accepted, however, they might require an amendment to the Contract or further information from the Customer. If this occurs, We will endeavour to contact the Customer as soon as possible.
    • Throughout the Customer’s wait for a Contract to go Live, they should receive updates on their Contract via Track My Switch.

Compare and Switch Online

6.   How We Get Paid

    • We are proud of the value Our Service provides to Customers and we strongly believe we charge a fair Fee for Our Service. The Fee earned by Us balances the cost to provide Our Services, in line with providing good customer outcomes and retaining Our standing within the market to continue to provide Customers with competitive deals for their Business Utilities. Customers and Consumers not required to make any direct payment to Us for Our Services. By agreeing to use Our Services, Customers and Consumers are agreeing for Us to receive this remuneration for Our Services as set out below. If a Customer or Consumer would like to find out the Fee that We expect to receive from their Contract please email contact Us or visit Our dedicated How We Get Paid Page.
    • Some Suppliers may make additional payments to Us, e.g., a nominal payment per meter/customer sold successfully to that Supplier. The nature and value of these additional payments may vary based on Product, Supplier and in the future. However, these payments do not impact the impartiality of Our Services.


  • We receive a Fee for Our Service directly from the Supplier when an energy Contract procured via Us goes Live. The Fee is included within the Customer’s unit cost of energy usage as pence per kWh, by way of a small uplift to the Customer’s unit rate. Because Our Fee is based on Estimated Annual Energy Consumption, at the point the Customer agrees a Contract the Fee amount is an estimate. The calculation for Our Fee is uplift multiplied by the Estimated Annual Energy Consumption and multiplied by the Contract term.
  • Due to the way We are remunerated, We only offer business energy prices from the Suppliers who are live on Our panel, rather than the whole market. Because Our Fee is based on Estimated Annual Energy Consumption, they are forecast amounts.


  • We receive a Fee from Our Partner for the introduction of Customers to their service. This is included within the cost of the Customer’s water retail service fee by way of a small uplift applied to usage over the life of the Contract, which therefore would be included within the cost of the Contract the Customer agrees via Us.


  • We receive a retail introduction fee directly from Our telecoms Partners for the introduction of a Customer to their telecoms services. The fee is paid per telecoms Contract and the amount may vary dependant on the package taken.


  • For Customers and Consumers who are interested in other services, we transfer them (in line with Our Privacy Policy) to the relevant Partner, for the Partner to provide a comparison for the specific product/service (“Referral Services”), we are paid by Our Partner.

7.   Your Obligations

    • In addition to any obligations and responsibilities noted above, you must:
      • Ensure all Details for the Contract are accurate, complete, and current;
      • Ensure you understand the terms and conditions of the Contract before proceeding, as the terms and conditions of each Product vary by Supplier, even if the Product relates to the provision of the same type of Business Utilities;
      • Take responsibility to ensure decisions you make are suitable and in the best interest of you and/or your business – by ensuring the Contract, Product and Supplier chosen meets the needs of your business;
      • Return all of Our attempted contact without delay and notify Us (without delay) if there are any issues relating to the Contract or Our Services, or if any information We hold about you is incorrect;
      • Without delay, sign and return the Letter of Authority;
      • Notify Us without delay if you have not received correspondence relating to your Contract from Us or your Supplier/s within a reasonable timeframe;
      • Ensure Termination has been provided to your Current Supplier, in line with your current contract requirements;
      • Provide all reasonable cooperation to Us in the provision of Our Services and the Supplier in relation to the Contract;
      • Must also comply with the terms of the Contract;
      • Keep confidential all log-in details and passwords provided by Us in relation to Our Website and Our Services - if these details are shared to another person, We will assume the other person has been provided with the relevant authority to act on your behalf;
      • You must use Our Service in good faith, by ensuring you have relevant authority to make decisions on behalf of the business you are purporting to represent. You must agree to Contracts in good faith, and should not by act or omission mislead Us;
      • Use best endeavours to mitigate actual or potential losses; We will not be liable for resulting losses or consequences; and,
      • Treat Our staff with respect.
    • If you have not fulfilled your obligations in line with Our Terms, We reserve the right to make a claim against you for any losses suffered by Us.


8.   Website

    • The use of Our Websites is subject to the following terms and conditions of use:
      • The content of the pages of Our Websites are for general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice. Our Websites uses cookies for essential, analytical, and marketing purposes. Further information on Our Cookies, please refer to Our Cookie Policy;
      • Neither We nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on Our Websites for any particular purpose. The User acknowledges that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and We expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law;
      • The User acknowledges that the use of any information or materials on Our Websites are entirely at the User’s own risk, for which We shall not be liable. It shall be the User’s own responsibility to ensure that any products, services, or information available through Our Websites meet their specific requirements;
      • Our websites contain material which is owned by or licensed to Us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance, and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with these Terms;
      • From time to time, Our Websites may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for the User’s convenience to provide further information. We do not endorse these website(s) and we have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s); and,
      • Unauthorised use of Our Websites may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence. Users of Our Websites acknowledge any dispute arising out of such use of Our Websites is subject to the laws of England only.

9.   Intellectual Property

    • You accept that all Intellectual Property Rights relating to Our Services, Our Websites (including any content, and the look/feel of Our Websites), any information and/or materials provided to you, shall remain owned by Us. Any use or attempted use of any the above is an infringement of Our Intellectual Property Rights, which may result in you being liable under civil and criminal law.


10.    Limited Liability

    • We will exercise reasonable care and skill in the provision of Our Services and Our Websites. However, the provision of Our Services is often dependent upon third parties (for example, but not limited to, Suppliers, Current Suppliers, and industry database providers). We are not able to guarantee or accept any responsibility for any failure or delay caused by such third parties or for any inaccurate, incomplete, or unreliable information provided to the Customer by such parties via Us. As such, We do not warrant, and We exclude all liability in respect of, the accuracy, completeness, fitness for purposes or legality of any information accessed because of your use of Our Services, Our Websites or otherwise communicated by Us to you.
    • Our Services are provided without representation or warranty of any kind, and to the fullest extent permissible, pursuant to applicable law We disclaim all other conditions, representations, statements, and warranties, either express or implied (whether by common law, custom, statute or otherwise).
    • Subject to the foregoing, if by any mistake, act or omission of Us in the performance of Our Services or Our Websites, you suffer a direct financial loss as a direct result, We will work with you to remedy this, on the basis you must submit any claim within 3 months of identifying the issue and must follow Our complaints process (which is on Our Websites). Furthermore, Our total liability for all losses of whatever nature suffered by you because of such a complaint is strictly limited to the lesser of either the cost incurred by Our mistake, act or omission; or the Fee earned by Us from the Supplier in relation to the Contract your concern relates to. If you delay in contacting Us, We will not be liable for any resulting and following loss.
    • You acknowledge and agree that We shall not be liable for: (a) any indirect loss, claim or damage, or any punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind that are not directly associated with your claim; (b) any loss of profit or savings; (c) loss or corruption of data or information; (d) loss of contracts, business or opportunity; (e) damage to goodwill or reputation(s); in each case whether direct or indirect and in each case whether based in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence), strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with these Terms, Our Services, Our Website and/or any use thereof, in each case even if We have been forewarned or is aware of the possibility of such loss or damage.
    • We do not exclude or limit its liability (if any) in any way: a) for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence; b) for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or c) for any matter from which it is unlawful to exclude, or attempt to exclude, Our liability.
    • We are unable to provide all information relating to the Products available from Our Suppliers. Suppliers determine the key information We provide to Customers. However, this may not necessarily cover all information which is important to that individual Customer. If in doubt as to the suitability of a product, the Customer should look to obtain the necessary information prior to agreeing the Contract.
    • We are not liable if the Customer or Consumer is able to obtain cheaper Products anywhere else on the market. We are unable to guarantee exclusivity of Products, unless otherwise stated. Customers and Consumers are free to obtain comparisons elsewhere on the market to assess the competitiveness of the Products available via Us.

11.  Force Majeure

    • We shall have no liability to you if We are prevented from or delayed in performing any of Our obligations in relation to the provision of any of Our Services and/or Our Websites, or from carrying on Our business, in an event or sequence of events beyond Our reasonable control. This includes acts, events, omissions, or accidents beyond Our reasonable control. Including (without limitation) strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of Us or any other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, fire, flood, storm, any other natural disaster, war, riot, civil unrest, malicious damage, interruption or failure of supplies of power, fuel, water, transport, equipment or telecommunications service, compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery, or default of suppliers or subcontractors. We shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time for performing such obligations in the event of any such occurrence.

12. Definitions

The below definitions apply to these Terms:

Accepted” means acceptance of a Customer by a Supplier to receive a Business Utility from the Supplier pursuant to a Contract;

Amendment” means changes required to a Contract to allow the Contract to meet the relevant Checks;

Business Utility” refers to business supply/service for energy and/or water and/or telecoms;

Checks” means the information on the Contract verified (where possible and within reason) by Us prior to the Contract being Processed by Us, they are determined by Us or the relevant Supplier;

Comparison Service” means the impartial delivery of key information (as determined by the Supplier) by Us to the Customer, relating to the Supplier Product;

Consumer” means UK residents over the age of 18 that are not business customers, i.e., domestic;

Contract” refers to the individual agreements for each meter, supply point identification number or phone number between the Customer and the Supplier, agreed via Us, for Business Utilities (with the exception of telecoms ‘combo’ deals, which constitute one contract;

Credit Criteria” means the financial criteria set by the Supplier, which a Customer must meet to be accepted by them for the Customer’s chosen Product;

Current Supplier” refers to the Supplier who the Customer currently is being serviced by for their Business Utilities;

Customer” means any non-domestic commercial customer over the age of 18 who has expressed an interest in or uses Our Services and to whom We agree to provide Our Services. It refers to the business itself and those who act on its behalf in relation to negotiating and communicating about Business Utilities;

Details” refers to any and all relevant information provided by Customers to allow us to carry out Our Services and contact Customers. Examples can include (but is not limited to) contact details, business details, usages, relevant supply reference, business type, credit history etc;

Estimated Annual Energy Consumption” refers to the amount of energy the Customer is expected to use during their Contract. It is taken from industry sources where available or provided by the Customer. In limited scenarios, an average might be used in the absence of a confirmed usage.

Fee” refers to how we get paid for Our Services. The Fee can vary based on Product and the type of Business Utilities Contract the Customer has agreed;

Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all intellectual property rights, including (but not limited to) all information, data, patents, design rights, software, trademarks, trade names, logos and domains, trade secrets, know-how, confidential information, right to sue for passing off, copyright material and all equivalent material and, in each case:

  • whether registered or not;
  • including any applications to protect or register such rights;
  • including all renewals and extensions of such rights or applications;
  • whether vested, contingent or future;
  • to which We are or may be entitled, and
  • in whichever part of the world existing;

Letter of Authority” refers to verbal or written authority which provides Us with authority to carry out certain activities on behalf of the Customer in relation to Our Services. For example, liaising with your Current Supplier or issuing Termination. The Letter of Authority will never provide Us with the authority to agree contracts on your behalf. The Letter of Authority will last for the length of the Contract or from 12 months from the date if stated within or signature if this date is specified in the authority;

Live” means a Contract where the utility supply or service agreed has started;

Our Welcome Pack” refers to the email from Us that contains a high-level summary of the details of the Contract, which is sent to the Customer once the Contract has been Processed;

Partner” means Our selected panel of third-party partners who provide comparison services for other products, which Customers or Consumers have expressed an interest in;

Privacy Policy” refers to the policy on Our Website, which explains how We use personal data;

Processed” means the act of sending the Contract to the relevant Supplier, for them to conduct their final checks prior to the Contract being Accepted by the Supplier;

Product” means offerings available from a Supplier via Us for Business Utilities, where it is reasonably evident the Customer might or is likely to meet the relevant Supplier Criteria;

Quotations” refers to providing key information (including prices and determined by Suppliers) to a Customer about Products during Our Comparison Services. The Quotations provided are based upon the Details given to Us by the Customer. The availability and validity of Quotations varies by Supplier;

Services” means Our Comparison Service, Switching Service and Referral Service;

Switching Service” means providing a Comparison on prices and/or products we have been provided with by Our Suppliers in relation to Business Utilities which is based on the information provided by the Customer/Consumer;

Supplier” refers to service providers and or suppliers of Business Utilities that We work with to provide Our Services;

Supplier Criteria” refers to criteria, including Credit Criteria, which the Supplier has in place and checks a Customer meets before the Contract becomes accepted by the Supplier;

Supplier Welcome Pack” means the written communication that can be sent by the Supplier confirming the details of the Contract, once the Supplier has accepted it;

Termination” is the notice sent to the Current Supplier of the Customer’s intent to cancel their current contract at the end of the fixed term period and is required by some suppliers for certain Business Utilities. The rules around Termination vary by Business Utility and Current Supplier;

Track My Switch” refers to the electronic tracker that monitors the progress of your Contract going Live with your energy Supplier;

User” refers to anyone who uses or browses Our Website. This can include Customers and Consumers;

We”, “Us”, “Our” means Love Energy Limited, incorporated in England and Wales (Our registered office address is 2 Springfield Court, Summerfield Road, Bolton, BL3 2NT, Company number: 06322305;

Website” refers to any website operated by Us;

you”, ”your”, “yourself” refers to all Customers, Consumers and Users.




These Terms and Conditions prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials for the Love Energy Savings Promotion. Claim instructions are deemed to form part of the Terms and Conditions. By participating, all claimants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the Terms and Conditions. Please retain a copy for your information.

Promoter: Love Energy Limited, whose registered office address is Unit 2, Springfield Court, Bolton, BL3 2NT (Company number: 06322305)

Administrator: TLC Marketing Worldwide UK Limited, whose registered office address is 54 Baker Street, London, W1U 7BU (Company number: 8443661).

  1. Relevant Promotional Periods:
    • Renewal Period: This is the promotional period, for when the promotion is available to Qualifying Customers for them to agree their ‘first-time contract renewal’ (in line with clause 3). Opens 00:01 GMT Thursday 2nd March 2023 and closes 23:59 GMT Saturday 1st April 2023.
    • Claim Period: This refers to the 3 consecutive month period, where Qualifying Customers will be emailed by the Promoter each month a unique entry code and access to the promotional website All unique codes (which can be used to obtain voucher codes for the Reward) will expire 3 months from receipt.
    • Reward Period: Each Qualifying Customer will receive a maximum of 3 reward emails. Qualifying Customers’ 1st month’s reward will be emailed to them by the Promoter within 2 working days of their claim being validated (in line with clause 8). The 2nd month’s rewards will be emailed by the Promoter to Qualifying Customers on 15th April 2023. The 3rd month’s rewards will be emailed by the Promoter to Qualifying Customers on 15th May 2023.


  1. Eligibility: This promotion is open to businesses located in the UK, with a business energy meter. Also, this promotion is only available for the first 900 Qualifying Customers that meet the Eligibility criteria, who have received direct marketing from the Promoter about this promotion during the Renewal Period. Specifically, email marketing campaign and/or a discussion with a sales agent during the Renewal Period which has targeted that customer as being potentially eligible for the promotion.

The customer who agrees the first-time contract renewal on behalf of the Qualifying Customer must be:

  • 18 or over;
  • a UK resident; and
  • and have the authority to agree energy contracts on behalf of the business they represent.

The promotion is not open to employees, immediate families or agents of:

  • the Promoter;
  • the Promoter’s subsidiaries; or
  • other group companies.

The promotion also is not open to anyone professionally connected with this promotion.

To be eligible to claim, Qualifying Customers must have:

  • registered their claim on the promotional website using their unique entry code in line with ‘How to Participate’ below;
  • a current valid email address; and
  • appropriate internet access to allow them to register and claim the Promotion.
  1. Qualifying Customers: The business must have agreed a new fixed term contract for their business energy via the Promoter within the Renewal Period. Also, the business’s prior fixed term contract for the same meter must have been agreed via the Promoter. These requirements together are known as a ‘first-time contract renewal’. The contract for the ‘first time contract renewal’ must have been submitted to the relevant supplier for processing, after passing the Promoter’s internal quality checks within the Renewal Period. Qualifying Customers must also meet all Eligibility criteria set out above in clause 2. Eligibility criteria includes, but is not limited to, the promotion being limited to only the first 900 Qualifying Customers that have received direct marketing about the promotion.


  1. The Promoter takes no responsibility for claims delayed, incomplete or lost due to technical reasons or otherwise.


  1. Customers who make a claim on someone else’s behalf may be disqualified, at the Promoter’s discretion.


  1. The promotion is restricted to one claim per meter for each Qualifying Customer.


  1. The Reward: A valid promotion claim entitles the Qualifying Customer during the Reward Period to a total of:
  • 6 x voucher codes for standard Adult or Child Vue Cinema tickets (see clause 10); and
  • 6 x voucher codes for Caffe Nero hot drinks to the value of £3.50 (see clause 11).

During the Claim Period, Qualifying Customers will receive access to and a unique entry code. Using this unique code, the Qualifying Customers can claim voucher codes for 2 x standard Adult or Child Vue Cinema tickets and 2 x Caffe Nero hot drinks to the value of £3.50. The total claim is for 12 rewards across the Reward Period.

  1. How to participate:
    • To participate, Qualifying Customers must renew their energy contract with the Promoter for the first time (see clause 3) within the Renewal Period. This promotion is only for the first 900 validated claims only from Qualifying Customers. For claims to be validated, the Promoter will check the customer meets the Qualifying Customer criteria in clause 3. Once a claim is validated by the Promoter, customers will be able to participate in the promotion. Following on from this, within 2 working days of validating a claim, the Promoter will email the Qualifying Customer a unique entry code and access to the promotional website in line with the Reward Period.
    • Qualifying Customers must visit, enter their unique entry code and register their full name and email address.
    • Customer must provide the below information:
      1. Full name
      2. Current valid email address
      3. Unique Entry code
  • During the Reward Period, customers will be able to claim their monthly Rewards (defined in clause 7) up to 3 months from email receipt.


  1. No cash or other alternative Reward will be provided in whole or in part. Except, in the event of circumstances outside of its control, the Promoter reserves the right to substitute a similar Reward of equal or greater value. All single-entry vouchers are not:
  • for re-sale; and
  • cannot be auctioned, exchanged or redeemed for cash.

The Reward cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. Once customer inputs their unique code, the customer will receive instant access to their monthly rewards.

  1. Vue Cinema Voucher Code Terms and Conditions:
    • Voucher code can be exchanged for a single use 2D admission ticket only and the customer has 14 days validity to use it.
    • Voucher code must be used either at the Box Office or (for online, you can select your film/time/seat and enter the code given by selecting ‘Add a promo code’).
    • Voucher code cannot be used to make bookings over the phone.
    • Voucher code can be used at any location and for any standard film release.
    • Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
    • Full terms and conditions can be found here
  1. Caffe Nero Voucher Code Terms and Conditions:
    • Voucher code can only be used for hot drinks.
    • This voucher code can be used in participating Caffe Nero stores as full or part payment of products, subject to the in-store technology.
    • This voucher code cannot be redeemed for cash and no change will be given if the value of purchases is less than the value of this card.
    • This voucher code should be treated as cash.
    • This voucher code is valid for 1 calendar month.
    • Full terms and conditions see here

  2. It is the responsibility of each Qualifying Customer to provide correct, up-to-date details when participating in the promotion and claiming their Reward. The Promoter cannot be held responsible for claimants failing to supply accurate information which affects claim of their reward.


  1. The Promoter reserves the right to verify all claims (including but not limited to) asking for proof of purchase and ID (passport, driving licence or equivalent). The Promoter reserves the right to refuse the Reward or withdraw the Reward entitlement. Also, the Promoter reserves the right to refuse further participation in the promotion and disqualify the claimant where there are reasonable grounds to believe:
    • there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions;
    • there has been a breach of the spirit of the promotion;
    • there has been a breach of any instructions forming part of this promotion’s claim requirements;
    • a participant has gained unfair advantage in participating; or
    • a participant has claimed using fraudulent means.
  1. All claims must be made by the Qualifying Customers themselves. Claims (bulk or otherwise) made from trade, consumer groups, syndicates or third parties will not be accepted.


  1. Claims will be disqualified and will not be counted, if they are made by:
    • macros or other automated means (including systems which can be programmed to enter) and;
    • claims which do not satisfy the requirements of these Terms and Conditions in full.


  1. If it becomes apparent that a claimant is using a computer(s) to circumvent this condition, their claims will be disqualified and any Rewards claimed will be void. Examples of such computer use are:
    • the use of ‘script;
    • ‘brute force’;
    • masking their identity by manipulating IP addresses;
    • using identities other than their own; or
    • any other automated means to increase the number of claims into the promotion.


  1. The Promoter and Administrator reserve the right to investigate and undertake all such action, to protect themselves against fraudulent or invalid claims. In addition, the Promoter and the Administrator reserve the right to reject those claims which they consider, in their absolute discretion, are fraudulent or invalid.
  2. Any additional costs which may be incurred in this promotion in the context of participation (such as internet costs and other additional services that go beyond those described services for Reward fulfilment), are not included and must be paid by customers separately.


  1. Your claim will be deemed invalid if (including but not limited to) you:
    • are not a Qualifying Customer;
    • do not meet the Eligibility criteria;
    • have not claimed your Reward using the unique entry code within the allotted deadline;
    • have not used your Reward voucher code within the allotted deadline following the conditions specified;
    • have failed in any way to otherwise comply with these Terms and Conditions, and corresponding activity as determined by the Promoter or the Administrator in their sole discretion;
    • have failed to fulfil any participation requirements of clause 8; or
    • are not within the first 900 contract renewals.


  1. Insofar as permitted by law, neither the Promoter nor the Administrator (nor any of their associated companies), will be responsible or liable to compensate claimants or accept any liability. This is in relation to any personal loss, expense, or damage in connection with this promotion. This includes losses, expenses of damages due to accepting or using the Reward.


  1. The exception to this, is any liability which cannot be excluded by law (including personal injury, death, and fraud. In which case, liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law.


  1. Neither can they guarantee the quality and/or availability of the services offered when using the Reward and cannot be held liable for any resulting personal loss or damage. Your statutory rights are unaffected.


  1. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the promotion. This can be at any stage, (but will always endeavour to minimise the effect to claimants to avoid undue disappointment). This may occur:
    • in the event of circumstances outside the reasonable control of the Promoter;
    • fraud;
    • abuse;
    • an error affects or could affect the proper operation of this promotion; and/or
    • an error affects or could affect the proper awarding of Rewards (only where circumstances make this unavoidable).


  1. If an act, omission, event, or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter (which prevents the Promoter from complying with these Terms and Conditions), the Promoter will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligation.


  1. The Promoter has no control over internet or communication networks, and is not liable for any problems associated with them. For example, if issues occur due to traffic congestion, technical malfunction or otherwise. The Promoter will not be held liable to any individual for any fraud committed by any third party nor for any event beyond its control. Including (but not limited to) user error and any failures which may restrict, delay, or prevent a claimant’s participation in the promotion arising from:
    • network;
    • computer;
    • hardware; or
    • software failures of any kind.


  1. This promotion run by Love Energy Savings and administered by TLC Marketing Worldwide UK Limited. You can contact TLC here.


  1. The Promoter’s decision is final regarding all promotional matters and no correspondence will be entered into.


  1. If any of these clauses should be determined to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, then it shall be severed and deleted from these Terms and Conditions. Should this occur, the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.


  1. The Promoter (Data Controller) and Administrator (Data Processor) take the privacy of individuals extremely seriously. The Promoter will use personal data (i.e., meter, customer full name, date of birth, address, bank details and contact details) to facilitate Qualifying Customers agreeing their business energy contract. The Promoter will also share personal data (i.e., customer full name and email address) with the Administrator, to allow them to administrate the promotion. The Administrator will only use the personal details supplied for the administration of the promotion and for no other purpose.


  1. The Administrator is responsible for fulfilling the Reward. Any data captured in the fulfilment of the promotion by TLC Marketing will only be used for the validation of claims and for the fulfilment with your consent. It will not be used for marketing purposes. Your personal details will at all times be kept confidential. Data will be held in accordance with current Data Protection legislation and will be stored for up to 3 months from the end of the Reward Period, after which it will be deleted.


  1. Click here for the Administrator’s Privacy Policy and here for the Promoter’s Privacy Policy. You can request access to your personal data, or have any inaccuracies rectified, by sending an email to the details contained within the above respective Privacy Policies.


  1. By participating in the promotion, you agree to the use of your personal data as described above.

  2. These Terms and Conditions and any question concerning the legal interpretation of these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of England. Any disputes must be referred to the English courts.


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